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Teacher for twenty year, mainly in the learning difficulties sector. Special interest in Information Communication Technology, employability related curriculum and maths. Experience working from Entry Level 1 to Level 2.




Teacher for twenty year, mainly in the learning difficulties sector. Special interest in Information Communication Technology, employability related curriculum and maths. Experience working from Entry Level 1 to Level 2.
The Shopping Price is Right

The Shopping Price is Right

Useful resource for teaching independent living skills related to shopping and money management. Also useful team working activity. Could be used to follow up a practical shopping activity. Students work in teams to choose an items price. Teams will need to work together to decide on each items price and deduct points away the starting points allocated. Activity works really well with E2-L1 students. Included PowerPoint with links to questions and correct prices. Worksheet for recording answers.
Caring for clothes

Caring for clothes

This E2, E3 and L1 resource includes Smart Board activities and PowerPoint activities, a bingo activity, lesson plan and differentiated worksheets. The activities and worksheets include individual, pair and group work. Ideal for use in independent living sessions and sessions linked to the curriculum where students have to demonstrate the ability to care for clothes. Used in an observed session that was graded as very good.
Multiplication Skills

Multiplication Skills

This resource works through the stages of multiplication from grouping, times tables, splitting method, lattice method and traditional method. Explanations are provided for multiplying numbers and decimals by ten, a hundred and a thousand. Fun facts and multiplying with fingers is also included. Six worksheets are provided for students to demonstrate the skills they have learnt whilst working through the PowerPoint Multiplication. The PowerPoint Multiplication with your fingers includes a video demonstrating this method and then sets a task where students devise their own method for multiplying using their fingers where they have to present this method to their group and produce a hand out detailing their method. A suitable resource for primary, secondary and older students.
End of Year Quiz -  Family Fortunes

End of Year Quiz - Family Fortunes

This activity has been used with SEN, Entry Level and Level 1 students. It would also be a useful activity for tutorial and induction. Interactive Macro Enabled PowerPoint quiz that will encourage team work and enable learners to demonstrate communication and numeracy skills.
End of Year Quiz - Who's the aged celebrity

End of Year Quiz - Who's the aged celebrity

Quiz suitable for SEN, Entry Level and Level 1 - 2 students. Could be used as an end of year activity, induction activity or during tutorial. Students work in teams to establish the answers, this will encourage speaking, listening and writing skills. PowerPoint includes 24 questions and answers and there is an answer sheet for students to record their answers.
Word Challenges

Word Challenges

5 Resources
Fun activities that will assist teaching staff to embed literacy, numeracy and British Values into sessions. Each activity contains five tasks that could be used over a period of days or weeks, as a recap or ice-breaker or during tutor time. Activities can be easily adjusted e.g. the word size, amounts to include decimals and by incorporating the use of a calculator. Activities include PowerPoint, worksheets and grid. Can be used for individual work, pair or small teams.
Health and Safety Word Challenge

Health and Safety Word Challenge

A fun activity that will assist teaching staff to embed literacy and numeracy into all sessions. This activity has been created with health and safety sessions in mind but is very easily adapted for any session theme of your choice. The activity contains five tasks that could be used over a period of days or weeks as a recap or ice-breaker. Adjust the word size i.e. fewer or more according to ability and this will result in less complicated maths problems. Change the amount to include decimals and this will increase the maths level of difficulty. Calculator use can be incorporated.
Maths word challenge

Maths word challenge

A fun activity that will assist teaching staff to embed literacy and numeracy into all sessions. This activity has been created with maths sessions in mind but is very easily adapted for any session theme of your choice. The activity contains five tasks that could be used over a period of days or weeks as a recap or ice-breaker. This could also be used in tutor time. Adjust the word size i.e. fewer or more according to ability and this will result in less complicated maths problems. Change the amount to include decimals and this will increase the maths level of difficulty. Calculator use can be incorporated.
ICT Word Challenge

ICT Word Challenge

A fun activity that will assist teaching staff to embed literacy and numeracy into all sessions. This activity has been created with ICT sessions in mind but is very easily adapted for any session theme of your choice. The activity contains five tasks that could be used over a period of days or weeks as a recap or ice-breaker. Adjust the word size i.e. fewer or more according to ability and this will result in less complicated maths problems. Change the amount to include decimals and this will increase the maths level of difficulty. Calculator use can be incorporated.